Educa Stories

4.6 ( 2326 ratings )
نمط الحياة التعليم
المطور: Educa Limited

Educa Stories for iPad provides children with an easy way to view their digital portfolios, learning stories, photos and videos. Its convenient for parents, teachers and children.

With the Educa Stories you can view your childs learning stories, add comments, and view Learning Centre Messages from your iPad. Educa Stories is the ideal mobile portfolio solution for Teachers and Parents.

What is Educa?
Educa is a web-based portfolio of a childs growth and development at an early childhood centre. It allows parents and early childhood teachers to share a childs journey and gain valuable feedback.

Who is Educa for?
Educa is specifically designed for early childhood education centres, teachers and parents. It is built with recommendations from early childhood teachers and parents.

Why use Educa?
• Educa saves money! Significantly reduces colour printing costs, saves on non-contact time and requires no investment in expensive IT hardware systems, Educa has proven to be a cost-effective solution for early childhood centres.
• Educa saves time! Beautifully designed and easy to use, teachers can get their work done in half the time. Parents give feedback as soon as stories, photos and videos are available, no more chasing for the profile books.
• Educa makes families happy! With Educa, parents are more engaged and connected with their childrens learning. More family involvement
leads to more feedback, which leads to better quality education.
• Secure data: All of your childrens data is securely stored in a 24/7 monitored data centre and all traffic is encrypted with SSL - the same security banks use - so you know your data is safe.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: To be able to use this app, you need to have an existing Educa account. This account is provided to you by your Early Childhood Centre.